Kamis, 12 November 2015



Hey Girl,
 You know you’re beautiful 
Where is the pretty smile that
 You’ve been hiding far too long 
Hey Girl, 
You know you’re wonderful
 If he doesn’t appreciate you
 Then it’s time to say….
Bye Bye…Say
 Bye Bye…Say 
Bye Bye…
 If he does’nt treat you right
 Then who is he to stick around just say good bye..
Hey Girl,
 You know you’re amazing 
Anyone who gets to love youIs one lucky guy
 Hey Girl, You know you’re a queen
 If he doesn’t appreciate you
  Then it’s time to say…
Bye Bye…
 Say Bye Bye…
 Say Bye Bye…
 If he does’nt treat you right 
Then who is he to stick around just say good bye..
I won’t let anyone make me feel sad 
I won’t let anyone make me feel down
 I won’t let anyone make me feel unhappy
If you don’t treat me right 
Then it’s time for me to
Say bye bye…
 Say bye bye… 
Say bye bye…
If he doesn’t treat you right then 
Who is he to stick around 
And say good bye
Say bye bye…
 Say bye bye…
 Say bye bye…
Treat me right…
treat me right…

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